Staging your home in the best way possible can be a daunting task.

It can be difficult to know where to put your focus and efforts in the staging of your home, and how to allocate your budget. Spending time and money for home staging can save you big bucks during the negotiation stages of home selling.

There are also ways to spend money and still stage incorrectly, or stage a room when an empty one would work even better.

When potential buyers look at your home, you want them to immediately picture themselves living there. There is so much value in staging your home the right way.

Having a REALTOR® that knows when to stage, how to stage, what not to do is an extremely valuable resource. In a competitive real estate market like the Southwest Florida area, every competitive advantage helps.

Kevin Yankow, along with the certified Southwest Florida REALTOR®s of the KEY Real Estate team, knows exactly how to stage a home to generate the most money from the selling of your home.

Here are 7 great tips for staging your Southern Florida home to sell fast.

Clean The Home

This one might seem a little obvious, but this is where many home sellers fail. Even if you do everything else right, inadequately cleaning the home can ruin all of your otherwise hard work.

Make sure to clean, wash, and dust every inch of the home. The hardwood floors should shine like they never have before, and make sure to deep clean the carpets. In some cases, professional cleaning is a great investment to get your home in the best condition.

Cleaning out any clutter is also part of the cleaning process. Sell it, pack it, or store it somewhere else, even if it’s the style you love for your home, chances are it won’t be for whoever is looking. From the closet to the kitchen, tidy and organize the home.

Once you’ve cleaned everything inside the home, air out the home to get rid of any u unwanted smells, from food, pets, smoking, or otherwise.

De-Personalize The Space

The point of staging your home is so that people can picture their life inside of it. It’s important to make the home as neutral as possible to achieve this.

Having a decor that removes your identity from the home will more easily let home buyers imagine their own belongings decorating every room.

Removing anything with political or religious beliefs is definitely the first step to taking your personality out of the equation. Family photos, kid’s toys, and trophies should also be stored away. Even something as small as the toothbrush in the bathroom, movie poster on the wall, or drawing on the refrigerator can influence the way a person sees the space.

Finish All Maintenance And Repairs

Finishing any maintenance and repairs on the home can save you so much money when selling your home.

Whether it’s an entirely new water heater, or just a leaky faucet, prospective home buyers will see it. These small things can greatly affect the overall price of the home, especially if they could have been fixed for fractions of the cost in the final sale value. Having all of this prepared gives the seller a leg up at the negotiation stage.

Certain upkeep can also raise the value of your home and earn you more money. Fresh paint can be a great selling point, and if done with neutral colours, can make the home even more desirable.

A well-maintained home tells the home buyer that this has been a house that’s been cared for.

Create A Comfortable Layout

Once you’ve updated, repaired, de-cluttered, and cleaned the home, the actual staging can begin.

Creating open-concept floor plans will make the space seem larger, relaxed, and allow home buyers to picture how their belongings will look inside.

An experienced REALTOR® like Kevin Yankow knows all of the tips and tricks to staging a layout when selling a home.

Making the furniture within a room symmetrical is very important when staging the home. Everything should create a flowing walkway throughout the home as well, which is especially helpful when touring the property.

A candle in the bathroom, centerpiece on the dining room table, and adding plenty of plants are all cheap and effective ways to add a vibrancy to a space that might feel flat without it.

Remember To Stage The Outside Of The Home

With so much focus on the cleaning and staging of the home, it might be easy to forget to stage the exterior of the home.

This is when you will make your very first impression, and it better be a good one. The first comments on the house by anyone coming to see for themselves will be about what the home looks like from the street.

Removing any personal or seasonal decorations is the first step, but also adding something like a welcome mat can be a great sign for potential home buyers.

Fixing any repairs to the exterior of the homes, cleaning the windows, and pressure washing the siding are all a great idea as well.

Especially in Southwest Florida, where recreational time spent in the yard is an important part of the resident’s lives, the outside of the home better look incredible. Summer kitchens, extended patios, and pools are common in the communities here, and they should all look fantastic.

Set The Best Lighting

Homes in the Southern Florida area have the advantage of plenty of natural light.

Staging the home so that it’s properly lit is key to highlighting all of the other work you’ve done to stage the home.

All of the curtains and blinds should be open to fill every room with light, and lights should be turned on as well. Not only does this make every room look it’s very best, but highlights the many stunning views within the Southwest Florida area.

What Is Your Home Worth?

It’s key to knowing what your home is worth going into the staging, selling, and negotiating when selling your home.

You might have been aware what the market value for your home was prior to staging, but it should be reevaluated when it’s ready to show.

Cleaning, updates, and repairs likely would have greatly increased the value of your home. Knowing what it can sell for within the market will give you a better understanding of what you might get for it, and listening to your REALTOR® is a great asset.

The experienced team at KEY Real Estate know exactly how to create a well-staged home, and are able to then provide you with a proper market analysis.

With Kevin Yankow and his helpful Key Real Estate team, you’ll be able to impress buyers so that you can sell your home as fast as possible, for the best possible price.

If you're planning on selling (or buying a home) in Southwest Florida this year, get in touch with the Key Real Estate Team online, or call 239-312-3120 today!

Posted by Kevin E Yankow on
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Thank you for sharing this helpful information with us. Your blog help us!!

Posted by EasyWayToSellYourHome on Saturday, July 9th, 2022 at 12:36am

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